Part 7: Episode 2: Part 2: Reaching Lide
Episode 2: Part 2: Reaching Lide
As a reward for our twin plunge victories we find ourselves in Final Fantasy VI

This affects some Rhue Point gain/loss so I go for the gain.

And this is for Lyrra gain/loss. I go for the gain.

Apparently your sword is able to use multiple auras and the Piercer and Slasher auras have been inbedded (sic) in it for awhile.

While both the Slasher and Piercer Auras are Weapon Auras, both have varying results against different enemies.
Traziun says some stuff I explained already and I go and check out the new aura.

Level 1 Slasher is worse than Piercer was at level 1 in every way. And Piercers level 2 now! I switch to Slasher anyway, since I like to keep the Auras of the same subset at around the same level.

Nearby we jump over to get this. Then we resume heading north...

Looks like they probably died very quickly.

When Rhue reaches the edge of the map he just stands there for a while.

Eh, you could kick their ass alone Traziun.

So we all move on and into a fight.

Curiously, the two spesta have different weaknesses. One's weak to Slasher and ones weak to Piercer.
They make you bleed and 'annoy' people so they go berserk.

We also get the Slasher Pattern in a chest.

Here's what I call a Priority 1 item.

Also, while you can't do anything to improve partymembers, they typically get a boost between episodes or even between scenes on rare occassions. Traziun is hitting like a truck right now and far outclasses Rhue when before he was only a bit better until he could use an XLIFE.

These shitheads have lots of hp and blow poison on everyone. They give nice AR and CTP though!

Hell yeah. Also the second screen is just a kind of dull looking woods in the southern half...

You can jump across a nearby river to find one of the games actually-not-obnoxious secrets.

Still worse than Piercer in every single way. I switch back to Piercer since it was over halfway to level 3.

Also Rhue finally got off Wanderer classification. Plyn! I thought there was a Lyn rank too but I guess not.
Plunge 3 means he does 1-6 damage in Plunges. When he gets Plunge: 4, he gets a new 'die. So he'll be doing 1d6+1d2 per pass.

The north half of the area is a bit more interesting. Also when you set foot on these stairs, a horrible noise that sounds like an evil cow lowing as it dies with a voice filter overlaid plays.

Rhue wont let us progress until we investigate the evil cow sound. And when we walk in a little, he says "What the..." And runs the rest of the way on his own.

I guess Forerunners really make those bridges last huh? I suppose it makes sense, if people are only going to be around for a decade or two at most.

It was just bad luck that it was you Gaius.

Does anyone have any rope?

I like to think this is Lun poking fun of all the games where characters apparently need rope, magical powers, jetpacks, jumping boots and climbing gear to get across metre wide gaps and stuff, if they can even do it at all.

But really, carrying rope is just smart.
Anyway, I find another piece of Focite and continue on.

We jump down a point of no return...

Jump the bridge with no drama!

Meet a sheep!

Find a chest loaded with AR somehow?!?!?

Pretty good, and I got a new XLIFE move now. Gasher. I switch to Slasher again.

We jump another gap that DOESN'T have a bridge for some reason even though it's the only way to go forward.

I didn't switch the Patterns like I do Sword Auras. That's because if I did, I'd just get another Level 1 Flow instead of getting a Second and Third Level Flow sooner.
So I tend to max them one at a time.
And a little further on...

So, we finally meet the infamous Blue Scarves...
B. SCARVE #1: Well, what do we have here?
B. SCARVE #2: Looks like these boys are packing some weapons.
B. SCARVE #1: Do you think they know how to use them very well?
B. SCARVE #2: Doubt it.

B. SCARVE #1: That sword in your hand is going to belong to me very shortly, little red.

This is otensibly a boss fight, but its a very easy one. Gaius didn't get nearly as much of a boost as Traziun did, but he's on par with Rhue. The Blue Scarves aren't identical either. One's tougher but only gets one XL per turn, and ones weaker but gets 2 XL. And they use different moves. Not that they get a chance to this time. Traziun crits one for 80 damage which still isnt enough to kill one in one turn, but its enough so that we make quick work of this boss fight before we even have the XL to use any of OUR moves.

Worth it.

One last bridge and the end of this leg of the journey is in sight.

Sometimes it makes you wonder if the Guided are right.

What is it that you believe?

The discussion is interrupted by a guy flying through the front window. Also, at the bottom left you'll notice that a shadowy figure atop the wall, ran up to peer at our heroes and then fled again. You might also notice it's definitely not the same shadow we've been seeing up to now.

Plus I'm scheduled to monologue to myself and drop some huge clues and plot hooks for the players.

"I don't get it... Rhue doesn't seem to remember me at all. Is it an act? His aura is muddled...
Maybe he just wants to forget about that person... we killed. Actually, he gets most of the credit for that one I guess.
That's probably it.
If he really doesn't remember..."

Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Then there's a strange sound and Gaius turns the other way.

So uh. Yeah, pretty early on it's made very blatant that Rhue is fucked up and Rhue might not even be his real name, and something might be up with his memory.
In particular, Gaius references someone he and Rhue killed together. This is probably the single most important event in the whole backstory and we wont find out what its about for a very long time. When we do? Well... It changes our perspective on a lot of things. The game continues to make it obvious from here on that there's something off with Rhue, and he doesn't even realise it but it goes all out here from the very start. We only had a couple brief hints in Episode 1.
Also, I guess Gaius is both a Senser and a Shifter. Huh. I always forget about that. But having a muddled aura is also very bad. We wont get the explanation on what exactly a person's aura is until Episode 4, but you'll understand then why it's bad.
Oh and also, this settlement is named Lide by the way.
the end